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Mango is commonly known as the king of all fruits. It is the national fruit of India. It is grown from March to October and there are more than 100 varieties of mangoes in India. It is available in different shapes, sizes and colours too. There are many interesting facts about mangoes that Boldsky will share with you in this article.

The fruit typically weighs 20 to 26 ounces, is of oval shape, and has a rich, sweet flavor. It will usually turn a greenish-yellow color with some red blush as it matures.

The fruit is comparatively large, some reaching up to several pounds in weight. They are of ovoid shape with a rounded apex lacking a beak. The skin color is typically green with some light red blush. The flesh has fibers, tangy and sweet, with a monoembryonic seed.

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Mango No Size June/July/Aug/Sep/OCT/

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